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Door-to-door sales people must have a permit issued by Cambria Clerk's office.  If a solicitor approaches you or your property, ask for their permit. If they do not have one, please call: Niagara County Sheriff's Dept. non-emergency number: 716-438-3393.

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Town of Cambria

Established in 1808, the Town of Cambria once encompassed all of Niagara County and from that, twelve towns were subsequently formed. Cambria has a rich and distinguished past of which we can all be proud.

With a population of approximately 5,900, the Town of Cambria is an interior town, west of the center of Niagara County. The rural character of our town is reflected by the sprawling farms, tranquil fruit orchards, grape vineyards and grain fields, which are scattered among prime residential sites. Offering close proximity to Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Lockport, business owners, as well, are realizing the advantages to relocating their offices to our Town.

Growth, progress and change are coming to and affecting our town in various ways. Our goal is to handle all phases of change gradually and intelligently with keeping "what's best for all" in the center of our decisions, without losing the "personal touch".

Our Town Hall offices are staffed by caring professionals who are ready to help and service your needs. Please feel free to contact us at any time. We can only improve our service standards by knowing what your needs and concerns may be. Thank you.

Cambria Town Hall

4160 Upper Mountain Road
Sanborn, NY 14132
Telephone: 716-433-7664
Fax: 716-433-7164

Town Hall Hours

Monday - Friday
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Individual Office Hours Vary

Main Numbers:

716-433-8161 ext. 122


716-433-8161 ext. 126/133

716-433-8829 ext. 127

Justice Jowdy Jr. ext. 139
Justice Jowdy III ext. 144

Town Clerk
716-433-7664 ext. 136

716-433-8523 ext. 119

716-433-2468 ext. 114

Disclaimer of Liability

This web site is provided as a public service by the Town of Cambria. In providing information on this site, we have attempted to be as accurate as possible. However, the Town of Cambria makes no claims, guarantees or promises about the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information provided. In no event shall the Town of Cambria be liable for any errors or omissions with respect to any information on this site. If you find any errors or omissions, we encourage you to report them to townclerk@townofcambria.com.

The Town of Cambria has provided links and pointers to Internet sites maintained by third parties and may from time to time provide third party items or materials on this site. These are for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation by the Town of Cambria. Your use of a third party site is at your sole risk and without warranties of any kind by the Town of Cambria, expressed or implied.

Copyright © 2024 Town of Cambria. All rights reserved.